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Friday 29 May 2009
Long time never post lah...cos not in blogging mood.Decided to quicky post a little bit.I just come back from SJAB,very tired lah...then school got so many work to do...lazy to do my work lah....but i must jia you for SA1 lah....so shall end here.....
PS:People,have a good holiday....Isy will miss you all.....

Love, isy

Monday 18 May 2009
Today is just a normal day....
Go to class then after that kai chin and qin ping jiu come ler,then we chit chat for a while...then mr chang jiu come ler.-blah blah-
On my way home..then suddenly it rained,then i got no umbrella then i wet like hell lol and all my papers and books are wet...(they are currently under the sun).Walk half way(nearly reach home) i saw two sembawang sec boys..they were like so dry lol..then they saw me wet like hell then one of said"girl,u come from where,so wet.U better hang on.Ha ha"Then the other boy also laughed and i was like lols!!!I dunn need them to comment and they surely got no brain cos they asked a dumb question when it was raining like hell and yet he asked me why i so wet.I already so ker lian liao lor.
Had sushi and pies for lunch....
Shall end here...
~End post~

Love, isy

Sunday 17 May 2009
I think i have to reply tags with the post from now onwards...i think my cbox got some problem....shall end here....the songs very nice....the song call 'sweety'...must listen to it woh...

Love, isy

Friday 15 May 2009
Back from the Zoo and it is like ''so fun''.L-O-L!!!!It rained badly.....i should i start from the beginning of my day.
I brought a lot of books and there were no lessons....welll,thats not the main thing...it would have been better if they gave us free time...but instead of that..we got a lot of rubbish to do.Not going to mention it cos i will make my temper boils.
Zoo trip...
Sat with QP in the bus....
then when we reach the Zoo,we went to the auditorium to have briefing,which is totally boring,then we are dismissed for the activities.Because Kai Chin they all walk so slow...taking picture,me and QP walk first.Suddenly,it rained and we got wet...my skirt!!!!=.=
After the trip.....
Went to the class to get our bags...then jiu go home...i leg was hurt....dunno why...
should not post long,i need a rest!!!
~End Post~

Love, isy

Tuesday 12 May 2009
Hi people....ok,before i shall say anything....let me have a small break first...
~~breath in~~~
~~breath out~~
ok,i shall continue now...
exam is finally over,it is a great news!!! Now,i must worry about my result...i scare i never do well....ok...i am still planning....what to do this 2 days..cos the next 2 days no need to go to school,so happy.Maybe,i am going to use com and watch television like hell???Not going to post long cos i want to move on to do my own stuff...
~End Post~
PS:Jolyn Jie,dunn be sad ok???Maybe time will rewind and u will be with him again....
Elain ,thanks for tagging so much...love u.....

Love, isy

Friday 8 May 2009
Back from CW point....still in uniform.....today went to CW point with Qin Ping amd Kai Chin...ok should name Qin Ping as QP96....ha ha....ok,i shall continue...we planned the trip a few days ago.So when we are about to leave for CW point,the sky gone crazy or whatever...it was lighting then we must take a very long route to go to the MRT station.Me and Kai Chin bought a chocolate ice-blended each from the sweet talk then jiu board the train.We went to look around first but then we shaked our heads after that...all the shops are not opened yet!!!We proceeded to the library to have some air-conditional....the stupid staff say no bubble tea in the library...then we jiu pretent to leave the library..then we quickly put it into our bags then jiu go back to where we are.After a while,we jie go to the shops lah....those cute cute shops.Then we went to KFC to have lunch...i and Qin Ping had the same thing.Kai Chin go buy fries and apple pie and eat.Then we go buy sushi to eat then we go comics collection to shop then we jiu go more the words..then Qin Ping bought a elmo keychain....then forgot we go wat shop lah....ah!!!I remembered!!!We went to Popular bookshop...jiu look at pens and everything...welll Qin Ping and Kai Chin are good shoppers..they really shopped the shops with patience....then jiu go home.I MRT-ed myself home,then jiu go sun plaza to look for my parents they are buying things then i helped them to carry.Now online chatting wif Ya Jing....shall end here...

Love, isy

Wednesday 6 May 2009
Decided to post some photos...so sit back and relax.....

Love, isy

Monday 4 May 2009
Er.....long time never update ler...today finally got time to update....talk about Thursday science paper first....the paper ok lah....not too bad,but then i think when i get my papers back,i will cry der.Next is the english paper 1,compo...i die ler loh,cos i anyhow write.Today got geography...like hell lol...time not enough lol,then the section C,i write like helll.....my hand very pain...arhhhhhhhhhhhhh .At least the section A still ok.Prey that i do well....my dear friends...jia you ba!!Support u all for 1314 der!!

PS:Elain.u stead with Thomas Tan already????If so, i wish it last long...if more than 5 months,i treat u eat something!!!
Jolyn Jie,hang on wor,if u stead with him for 7 months then u going to get a meal from me also!!!

Love, isy

只有你懂我的想法, 默契不用假裝, 你就是我的翅膀 (L)

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

Shoo if u hate me
stay cool with me?U may stay

Isy Yu
12,13 on 10 november
Canberra secondary
Just leave if u hate me
Just these wishes
new handphone
Good result
Promote to sec 2E3
Cut hair
New wallet


Please note that I"ll need time to (re)link, so please be patient.

Jia Li♥
Qin Ping♥
Xue Qi♥
Yan Pin♥
Ya Jing♥
Yi Ern♥
Yu Hui♥
Yu Ying♥
1E3 Class Blog♥

January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009